Monday, July 6, 2009

St. Charles Libertarians Support Medical Cannabis

The St. Charles County Libertarians call on the Prosecuting Attorneys office to drop the charges against Ken Wells for using Medical Cannabis for his seizures.


  1. I will be following this story. He needs all the support we can give.

  2. I live in Saint Charles, Missouri as well and I have also had seizures for many years. One thing I have learned from taking Meds(Kepra, Dilantin, Depakote) for the treatment of Seizures, is that there is a 50/50 chance that they might help with the control of them, but Good Luck to you. I currently am taking Kepra and Depakote right now, but does it really work. The answer is, not really. Now, what does help, is Cannabis. It controls the twitching that is associated with seizures in all types, it relaxes me so I'm not stressed out all the time, which what can stress lead to? The answer is a seizure. Good guess. It makes you hungry and that's always good, b/c taking my meds. makes me lose my hunger. It also helps with the PAIN that is associated with the after effects of having a seizure. You want to talk about not fun. Well, I could tell you all about it. If the State of Missouri wants to help people in need, well this would be a great start to help people like Ken Wells, myself and others in many different problems and reasons, help feel better again. Please don't punish us for trying to fit in and feel as well as YOU.

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