Monday, February 16, 2009

Replys from MO House Reps.

In response to Joe's Thugs and Drugs Article emailed to all MO House Reps., note the reply from Speaker Ronald Richard, Jeanette Oxford, and Therese Sander:

"Thanks for sharing your opinion. I’ll be watching for evidence-based information if this bill comes to the floor for debate." - Rep. JMO

"Mr. Blundell, I appreciate knowing your views regarding HB277 relating to the legalization of marijuana for the seriously ill. It is very early in the legislative process and I do not expect any action on this bill for some time, if at all. I say this because at the present time, there are not enough votes in the House to consider this legislation." - Ron Richard, Speaker, MO House of Reps.

"Dear Joseph: I will not support legalizing marijuana. Period." - Rep. Therese Sander

Are these Reps. representing you? Email MO House Reps. today and DEMAND a vote on HB277! Let's hope there are more Jeanette Oxford's than Therese Sander's willing to consider the issue.

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