Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Voice of Reason

"Joe, I caught a segment about you and your town on KY3, GOD BLESS YOU and thank you so much for standing up for what we as a community know to be the TRUTH. I'm a Springfield resident, and an unashamed -former-herbal enthusiast.

It's a pity that in a state so full of natural beauty and wonderful people, WE sit idly by when the time for initiative is so important. 277 is a declaration of the people that it is in fact time for a change. WE are tired. The old standards of racism and ignorance which forced prohibition on US so long ago are fading with each generation. Hope is in the air, and I see a bright future ahead that WE will build - a culture of understanding that will be an example for the rest of the world to follow.

As a Veteran, a Christian, a concerned citizen, and as a friend and relative of so many people who would benefit, I IMPLORE YOU : Please stay strong for us who can't fight this fight on the front lines. WE THE PEOPLE are behind you, I am behind you, and sir, if there is any way I could personally help, I would be proud to lend my voice. I feel it's my DUTY as an American and a Missourian to stand up for what I know is right." - Ryan, Springfield, MO Resident

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your support. We are an Underrepresented Majority, and it is time we stand strong and raise our voices. "If not us, who? If not now, when?"
